News from February

OMSI 2 WIP projects: Ikarus 415 (Szabó’s Workshop) The work has begun on the .04 subtype. These were equipped with DAF engine and ZF transmission. Besides the interior display, the exterior got FOK-GYEM too, and most likely the creator wants it to be controlled by IBIS. The firstly done MZE-415 Read more…

News from November

OMSI 2 WIP projects MAN EL283 Minipack (Alexred2) Alexred2’s been working on this project since March. It’s based on the MAN Lion’s Classic released earlier. The pack will include the following door variants: 2-2-1, 2-2-0, 1-2-1, 1-2-0. The author posts updates about the project frequently on the Omsi 2 Romanian Read more…