News from August

OMSI 2 WIP projects Setra S3xx NF Familie (Stapellurch) There’s been really spectacular changes since we last wrote about this project. Most models got textures, which can be seen in the 2 pictures below. More informations can be found on the Webdisk page of the project. Citybus 628c & 628g (Kajott3D) Kajott Read more…

News from July

OMSI 2 WIP projects: Citybus 628c & 628g (Kajott3D) Kajott improved some setvars, and the bus got really close to be finished. Release is expected in August or September. You can find more videos on his Youtube channel about the different versions. Karosa C935.1034 Récréo (Julien_515) A new video shows the Read more…

News from March

OMSI 2 WIP projects: Mercedes-Benz Citaro C1 (Kajott3D) Kajott made the following announcement: If his Facebook page reaches 2000 followers, he’ll release a free beta version of his Citaro. The bus is still unfinished, some functions are not working, but it’s playable. The current state can be seen in the Read more…

News from February

Although this month was short, many things happened since the last review (or maybe we follow too many projects…). LOTUS Early Access released one and a half year ago already, however, OMSI has still more WIP and released projects (to be honest, not surprisingly). We hope that this will change Read more…