Let’s go to Velence!

Let’s take a journey with Marci875 (another Hungarian content creator) to the third biggest lake in Hungary (well, if we don’t count Lake Fertő), and take a look on the transport around it! At first, speak about yourself a little bit. Since when are you creating content for OMSI? Marci875: Read more…

News from November

OMSI 2 WIP projects MAN EL283 Minipack (Alexred2) Alexred2’s been working on this project since March. It’s based on the MAN Lion’s Classic released earlier. The pack will include the following door variants: 2-2-1, 2-2-0, 1-2-1, 1-2-0. The author posts updates about the project frequently on the Omsi 2 Romanian Read more…

News from August

OMSI 2 WIP projects Setra S3xx NF Familie (Stapellurch) There’s been really spectacular changes since we last wrote about this project. Most models got textures, which can be seen in the 2 pictures below. More informations can be found on the Webdisk page of the project. Citybus 628c & 628g (Kajott3D) Kajott Read more…

News from May

OMSI 2 WIP projects: Neoman Overhaul (Sobol) The first part of the Neoman Overhaul pack by Sobol is almost finished, as he posted on his Facebook page. The first pack of the final version will include the following types: A20, A21, A37, also the A45 is possible. The A23 and Read more…

News from April

OMSI 2 WIP projects: Scania Citywide pack (Lanek) Nearly one year after the last post, new informations were released about this project on the official OMSI forum. It’s based on the 3-door Scania Citywide GN14 by alterr, which was released in 2015. The following versions are planned: 10.9LF 2-2-0, 2-2-2 Read more…

News from March

OMSI 2 WIP projects: Mercedes-Benz Citaro C1 (Kajott3D) Kajott made the following announcement: If his Facebook page reaches 2000 followers, he’ll release a free beta version of his Citaro. The bus is still unfinished, some functions are not working, but it’s playable. The current state can be seen in the Read more…