WIP projects
MAN EL283 Minipack (Alexred2)
Alexred2’s been working on this project since March. It’s based on the MAN Lion’s Classic released earlier. The pack will include the following door variants: 2-2-1, 2-2-0, 1-2-1, 1-2-0. The author posts updates about the project frequently on the Omsi 2 Romanian Garage Facebook page and Webdisk.
Addon Saint Servan (Palme d’or)
New pictures were posted about the map, which will release in the end of the year, according to the author’s plans. More pictures about the lines 25 and 204 can be found on Webdisk.
The DLC will be available on Aerosoft for €26.63.
Add-on C2 Stadtbus-Familie Vol. 1 (mainMesh3D)
The name of the author may sound familiar to you. He was also the author of the MAN DN95 add-on released last year, as well as the Citaro C2 in the Berlin BRT DLC released in August. The C2 Citybus family add-on will include the following versions, all fitted with Euro6 engine:
- 2-door solo C2
- 3-door solo C2
- 3-door articulated C2G
- 4-door articulated C2G
- interurban/intercity solo C2 Ü
- interurban/intercity articulated C2 GÜ
- low-entry C2 LE
The add-on will be available on Aerosoft for €19.15, but release date is not known yet.
Add-On London (Rhys McColin)
The add-on will release on 10 December. It will be available on both Steam and Aerosoft for €31.96. The official trailer can be watched below.
Add-on Grand Paris-Moulon (Créations AgoraS-114)
Besides the true feeling of French towns and villages, we can also enjoy another Citaro C2, this time the NGT version, after the release of the add-on. Release date is not known yet, but the DLC will be available on Aerosoft for €26.63.
Add-on Heuliez Bus-Pack (Halycon Media)
The Heuliez GX 327 was produced in West France between 2005 and 2014. The DLC will contain 20 versions and 25 setvar elements. We’ll be able to choose among 4 engine types (from Euro 3 up to EEV) and 4 gearboxes (3- and 4-speed Voith, ZF and CVT). The addon will be available on Aerosoft for €19.15, but the release date is not known yet.
Ikarus 250SL (Long Vehicle’s Team)
The next project of the team is the Ikarus 250SL, which was designed as a special conference bus.
WIP projects
Mercedes-Benz O405 (TramKatze)
The bus was converted into the game, and also got some scripts. The standard display from the MAN DL05 and the IBIS were put into the bus, and all lights are working. More pictures can be found on the LOTUS Forum.
MAN Lion’s City pack (Alper)
Alper is currently working on the passenger information system, the internal display and monitor are done. He’s planning to release the bus in December after making some details (ticket validator, sun blind, driver’s side window, etc.) and fixing the errors. More pictures can be found onthe Forum.
Dopravní podnik hlavního města Prahy tram fleet (Schleifleiste)
The project started last year (or to be more accurate, the topic opened in September last year), and it included only the type T6A5 in the beginning. Since then, the author also started a partially low-floor KT8D5, about which he showed early-phase pictures only.
After a really long 6-month break, he posted some pictures about a T3R.P (a modernized version of T3), which actually looks well developed compared to the others, and doesn’t look bad in the game either.
And last, but not least, 2 special versions of T3, also from Prague:
The first one is the famous “Mazací vůz” (T3 #5572, also called “Mazačka”) which is in service since 2015. It’s used as a “rail lubricator” vehicle, it pumps oil on the tracks to reduce the noise made by the wheels of the tramcars in curves.
The other one is a “snowplow” tram (T3M #5412) which, together with its fellow mate #5417, clears the snow from the tracks, helping the really complex tram network of Prague go on without disruptions even in the heaviest winter.