Although this month was short, many things happened since the last review (or maybe we follow too many projects…). LOTUS Early Access released one and a half year ago already, however, OMSI has still more WIP and released projects (to be honest, not surprisingly). We hope that this will change later, but depends on the developers, too. Well, this introduction has already become longer than necessary, so let’s see what’s happened around OMSI and LOTUS in February:
WIP projects:
Addon Citybus 628c & 628g (Kajott3D)
Kajott made more repaints, and among others, there is one that we all know really well. Yes, he made the famous skyblue livery from Budapest, unfortunately without the logos, which is actually fine, since this repaint will be part of a payware addon. Besides this, he also made the liveries from Gdańsk, Łodz, Warsaw, Lublin (Poland), Kecskemét, Szeged (Hungary) and Konya (Turkey). The stop request buttons are repaintable and the interior has more setvars. He also plans to make the repaint of the airport shuttle bus 100E from Budapest.
Gdańsk The stop request buttons and the internal passenger information monitor can be changed via setvars. The stop request buttons and the internal passenger information monitor can be changed via setvars. Budapest The interior of the solo bus in Budapest repaint The interior of the articulated bus in Budapest repaint
The bus also got new retarder sounds, you can hear them in the video below.
The newest post on his Facebook page is about the repaints from Lublin.
MAN NL223 (Kajott3D)
He got asked many times lately, what’s up with this project. He posted on his Facebook page recently, that it’s been paused for a while, because the Conecto is currently more important. As he finishes that, he will continue the MAN, but it’s possible that it will be released not for OMSI, but another simulator.
Mercedes-Benz C1 (Kajott3D)
Looks like Kajott is the main actor of this review, he posted updates about his projects nearly every day. In the end of the month, he also informed us about the current state of his Citaro project. He told us that currently it’s not as well developed as the Conecto, but it’s actually playable. He plans to do improvements to the model, but he’s thinking about releasing the current state as a beta version. Further informations can be found on his Facebook page.
Setra S3XXNF (Stappellurch)
This bus also appeared in the previous review, and the author posted updates in this month, too. He made the interior lights, the place for the displays, the rods that move the doors, and last but not least, the stuff on the roof at the rear of the bus. As you can see on the pictures, most parts of the interior haven’t got any textures yet.
Mercedes-Benz C2 family (dsgn.mx200)
Although more versions of the C2 exist for OMSI, dsgn.mx200 makes an entire family of them. At first, he posted some pictures about the C2 LE.
Don’t forget to mention the C2 NGT, which will be part of the pack, too. Readers from Budapest may be familiar with this bus, as it was tested by the BKV for a week in 2016.
Last but not least, he also makes a C2G, about which he also posted some pictures.
dsgn.mx200 makes more projects that are worth to be followed, such as his BVG vehicles. We’ll write about these in the next review.
Addon Regiobus i200 (Bustrainz)
The Regiobus pack from Bustrainz will be continued with the Ikarus 260.27 and 260.51 versions. These types were mainly exported to the former USSR and Estonia.
Mercedes-Benz Citaro Facelift LE MÜ 3 doors (Arne J)
The author informed us that he makes the bus together with Sobol.
Mercedes-Benz Citaro Facelift G Hybrid (
A new version will be made to the Facelift family. The author didn’t give us any further informations unfortunately. This bus may be familiar from Kecskemét (Hungary), where 25 of this type are in operation on local services.
Neoman Overhaul (Sobol)
We will write about Sobol and his MAN-Neoplan projects in a seperate post. Till then, here are 3 pictures about different versions and repaints.
Released projects:
AI pack vol 9 – Luxury cars (Halycon Media)
A new AI DLC was released in February, containing some luxury cars, such as Lamborghini Aventador, Mercedes-Benz GLC Coupe, Porsche 911 and Tesla Model 3. The DLC is available on Steam for €12.95.
Marseille V2 (Guigs13013)
The V2 version of the Marseille map was also released, which contains 35 driveable lines. The Aachen DLC is required for the map, as well as a bunch of French AI vehicles, which can be downloaded from the site of the map (bottom of the page, Téléchargement section).
Kerkrich V1.5 [fictional] (MAN NL 263 Fan)
Kerkrich is a fictional map, wich contains 11 driveable lines. The Hamburg Tag und Nacht and the Citybus O305 DLCs, as well as the Mainz map are required. You can download the map here.
Let’s start with the updates for the game itself. In September, the community voted for the AI as the next bigger development, and the developers posted a video about it. As you can see, it’s not perfect yet, but the cars already recognize each other. Currently, it’s not available for players, but we’re looking forward to it.
WIP projects:
Hamburg ’78 DLC (RW1HH and Roland15)
The streets are done between Siemersplatz and Grindelberg stops, so around 67% of the line is finished (if we count the streets). The city has changed a lot since 1978, which makes the development harder. That’s why it takes more time to make a model or a crossing. For more pictures and further informations, click here.
Siemersplatz The first, more complex crossing on the current section, Troplowitz/Martinistraße. Hoheluftbrücke, where you can already see the subway station. The last stop of the current section, Grindelberg. Actually, the terminating loop is only used by line 14. The routeplan. The section marked with red still needs to be built.
MAN Lion’s City A21 (Alper)
Alper started converting an MAN model in diesel and CNG versions to LOTUS (the original models were made by V3D for OMSI). Of course, many things will be variable, such as the doors, displays, decoration stuff, etc. The full list can be found on the LOTUS Forum. There’s a video about the doors under the pictures.
ČKD Tatra KT4Dtm (Kartoffelphantom)
New videos have been released about the KT4Dtm. Although this happened in the end of January, another thing happened to the tram in February: The external matrix displays are working now. You can read more about the project here.
B-Wagen B100S (pandemist/kestra94)
Let’s stay on the rails. A new video was released about the WIP Stadtbahn B-Wagen (or to be more accurate: B100S), which mainly shows the doors. The project contains the first generations of the B-Wagen, which was produced between 1973 and 1977 for Cologne and Bonn. The project is actually based on the Bonn version, and the developer is planning to make also the one from Cologne. You can read more by clicking here, it’s worth following the project!
The latest picture about the tram:
This is the end of the review of February, hopefully the next month will be such exciting like this one. See you later at another post!